This Sunday Gospel tells us of a rich man who neglected his food with Lazarus who had nothing. Usually, we draw the lesson that those who have many material blessings must share with those who have little. I would like the lesson that we spiritually rich Catholic Christians must share with the millions around us who are spiritually starving.

We have the SEVEN SACRAMENTS which bring Christ to us at all the important stages of life. For example, most other churches have what we call Communion only once a month, less frequently, or never. We, Catholics can eat at the table of the Lord every day. There are millions whose hunger for God is more painful than any hunger for bread.

We have the WORD of God, the BIBLE, in the readings of every Mass, in the richness of our Bible History lessons, through the explanations of our catholic press. Right around us every day are fellow students, fellow workers, neighbors, and friends who know little or nothing about what God tells in the Bible.

We are rich in public worship. Consider and participate in the thrill of our Christmas Midnight Masses and the novena masses before Christmas, the expressive ceremonies of the Holy Week, the dignity of a Catholic Wedding, the consolation of our catholic services, the dewy freshness of our Mayflower Devotions, the angelic atmosphere of our First Communion Celebrations, the hope-inspiring devotions of October and November, and the drama of our Sunday and weekday masses in our humble cathedrals and parochial churches.

Through the years, we recall and we relive the principal events in the life of Christ, with fitting bible readings, expressive prayers, soul-stirring songs and eye-catching ceremony. All these spiritual wealth – and more – we must with spiritually famished. The spiritually starving Lazarus is lying at our gate. Invite him in to partake of these spiritual blessings.

In the Eucharistic Prayer IV we pray to God: “Remember those who take part in this offering, those here present and all your people, and all who seek you with a sincere heart.” There are many seeking God, “with sincere hearts.” Pray for them now! Tell them about these blessings now! Invite them to share with you now! God wants all men to share in the riches of our RELIGION. Ask God to bring this about! Amen!

#146. A STORY ON SHARING OUR ‘RELIGION’. A young catholic wife and mother in Detroit took a job in a factory to help meet family expenses. Working in the same department was non catholic young man who asked many questions about our Church. One Sunday this busy young mother found time to pick up this young man and his girl-friend to bring them to Mass and then explain the different objects at the altar and walls. They were so delighted with this taste of something spiritual that they asked to learn more about our religion.

This Sunday is Priesthood Sunday and World Day of Migrants and Refugees. On the 26th, we have the optional memorial of Ss. Cosmas and Damien, Martyrs and patrons of physicians, surgeons, druggists, barbers and the blind. On the 27th, we have the feast of St. Vincent de Paul, Priest and Founder of the Mission (C.M.) and the Daughters of Charity. He was also patron of charities, of hospitals and prisoners. On the 28th, we have two martyrs to celebrate namely: St. Wesceslaus, Martyr and patron of Czech Republic and Slovakia; San Lorenzo Ruiz, First Filipino Saint, and 16 other martyrs companions. On the 29th, we have the Feast of the Archangels: Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. The 30th is the memorial of St. Jerome, Priest, Doctor of the Church and patron of scripture scholars. On October 1, we celebrate the feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor of the Church and patroness of the missions, of florists and of France. This is also First Saturday of the Month. We have our 9AM Mass, adoration and benediction. This is all for now watch for the next bulletin. Amen!

Your Priest-Servant and Parochial Administrator,  

Fr. Reggie