Faith and Light Communities


    Meeting Information

      St. Joseph Faith and Light Community
     11001 N. 40th St.
     Phoenix, AZ 85028

          Meets on the 4th Sunday of every month in        Mary's Room at noon

A mission that deepens over 40 years

Faith and Light Communities are made up of persons with an intellectual disability, their families and friends, ideally young friends, who meet together on a regular basis in a Christian spirit, to share friendship, pray together, fiesta and celebrate life.

A hope to be given and to receive

  • For the person with an intellectual disability: Faith and Light reveals to them their call to share the riches of their heart, their tenderness, their fidelity.
  • For the families: Faith and Light gives them an essential support in their difficulties, helps them to better recognize the inner beauty of their child, to better discover that he/she can be a source of life and unity.
  • For friends: Especially to young people, Faith and Light opens up a path of friendship with the person with an intellectual disability and commitment to him/her, whereby each discovers in the other a new sense in their life.

Faith and Light’s mission

The mission of Faith and Light is to allow each person, however diminished they are, to exercise their own gift, at the heart of the community and to bear witness to the gift of the poor for the whole of humanity.

In joining a Faith and Light community, little by little parents discover loyal friends who are there to support them and help them to recognize the particular gift their child has to offer to them, their family, friends, the parish, society and finally to the whole Church.

The objective of Faith and Light communities is to be close to parents and support them in their ordeal, to help them to see and to love their child just as God sees him and loves him. Through moments of friendship shared together, during the monthly gatherings, loyal bonds of friendship are created around the person with an intellectual disability; these ties are also maintained between times of the gathering. He is the one at the heart of the community. He is the one bringing people together and calling for unity, he is the one inciting treasures of imagination and compassion from friends in the community.

This ministry meets monthly. For more information and a ministry contact, please call the parish office at 602-996-5120.

Volunteers will attend our meeting once a month to work with our members whether it be in group discussions, crafts or whatever else is needed. To be a volunteer, you must have Safe Environment training. You will get more out of this than you will put in!