Knit Wits


DESCRIPTION:  Dedicated and caring group of parishioners who knit and/or Crochet Prayer Blanket, Shawls, Chemo caps, etc.

We supply all the Materials that you will need, so no out of pocket expense on your part.  While we create these items we pray for the recipients who will receive them.  

We give all the finished goods away at no cost to the recipient.  Our purpose is to bring healing and comfort to those who are sick, cancer patients, etc.

Not only will you be serving those in need, but you will also be doing well for yourself.  We are a fun group, besides praying, we do a lot of talking and laughing.  You will make new friends, who will soon become like sisters.  When one of us is in need, others are always there to help.  

Once a year we have a sale, usually right before Thanksgiving, and we sell items that we have handcrafted.  The money we raise at this sale, usually keeps us in abundant supply of Yarn for the year ahead.

MISSION/VISION:  Caring parish friends who make Blankets etc. that are blessed by Fr. Reggie to comfort and heal the sick.


Learn a new craft, or renew interest in one you have not done in a long time.
Surprise yourself when you see what you have created, and feel the joy you have brought to someone in need.
Establish friendships and have a good time, while giving back to the community.   

TRAINING:  No training is required, we will teach you how to crochet or knit.  


TIME COMMITMENT:  Once a week meeting on Friday (1p-3p), and work on your project at your leisure at home.

CONTACT INFO:  Karen LeDuke ( or 602.702.0801)