Compassion Ministry
MINISTRY NAME: Compassion Ministry
DESCRIPTION: Dedicated and caring group of parishioners who help the families of St. Joseph Catholic Church with food and refreshment after a funeral Mass.
MISSION/VISION: Caring parish friends who assist parishioners in coping at a time of loss.
Serve at funeral reception in Joseph Hall
Prepare a dish(es) (casserole, sides, fruit or veggie platter, dessert) for a funeral reception
Assist in preparing platters of meat and cheese, purchased by Ministry
Set-up/Clean-up for a funeral reception in Joseph or Ascension Halls
TRAINING: No training is required.
TIME COMMITMENT: On an as-needed basis and depending on funeral start time, but set-up usually begins at 9:00 AM and ends by 2:00 PM on day of funeral.
CONTACT INFO: Karen LeDuke ( or 602.702.0801)