Altar Server Ministry

MINISTRY NAME:  Altar Servers

DESCRIPTION:  Boys and girls in fourth grade or older and adults who assist the priest during Mass and other services (weekends, holy days, and weddings.)

MISSION/VISION:  Being an Altar Server, means serving God and God's people at Mass. It is an extreme privilege to kneel so close to the altar as our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, becomes truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, at the moment of Consecration.  An altar server is uniquely joined in the Heavenly Supper of the Lamb and serves in the company of those eternally singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!”  An altar server has a solemn responsibility to do the assigned duties with attention, dignity, and reverence.


Altar Servers help the service flow smoothly so that the congregation can concentrate on all the wonderful sounds surrounding them:  the music, the priest’s prayers, and the words of Scripture.

Altar servers have an important leadership role in the celebration of Mass

Trained servers check in at the Sacristy before Mass begins to make themselves available if needed

TRAINING:  Training is required.  

  • Must have received First Communion and Confirmation and be in 4th Grade or be in the summer prior to entering 4th Grade.
  • The altar server’s family must be a registered member of the Parish.
  • Have permission of the parents and complete the “Youth Volunteer Acknowledgement: form signed by parents and on file in Parish
  • Third Graders who have received First Communion and Confirmation may attend New Altar Server Training in the summer prior to entering 4th Grade.

All new Altar Servers will shadow experienced Altar Servers at least three times. All third graders will stay in the shadow program until they start school in August and become 4th Graders.

Adults are required to complete the Diocesan Safe Environment training program and complete required renewals, in addition to attending Parish New Altar Server Training.

TIME COMMITMENT:  Attendance at training sessions, then rotating schedule.  Adults to assist as Altar Servers at funerals.  Training sessions last approximately one hour.  Servers will be scheduled to serve one to two times per month according to the Mass time preferred.  However, it is always appreciated when trained servers check in at the Sacristy before Mass begins to make themselves available if needed.

CONTACT INFO:  John Prosek (602.513.9755 or