Safe Environment
The Diocesan Policy and Procedure for the Protection of Minors requires all clergy, employees, volunteers of ministry, and minors to attend training on an annual basis. In the Diocese of Phoenix all volunteers must complete “Called to Protect for Ministries,” as a foundation course for Safe Environment.
In this program clergy, employees, and volunteers learn myths and facts about sexual abuse and sexual offenders. They learn detailed warning signs to watch for in adults who may abuse, and how to identify children who may have been abused. Clergy, employees, and volunteers learn specific steps to take in screening, guidelines for interaction, monitoring, training and responding. To keep ministries safe, standards must be met in parishes, schools, youth events,—anywhere there are children.
Requirement Process
In additiona to training everyone is required to complete a Volunteer Application and Code of Ethics, and be Finger Printed.
Diocesan Links
To renew or register for the training please follow the link below.