Infant Baptism


Parent Guidelines for Infant Baptism (under 7 years of age)

Congratulations on the birth of your child!  We celebrate with you that God has given you the responsibility of caring for one of His precious children.  Baptism is God’s beautiful and magnificent gift – when your child becomes a son or daughter of God and a member of the Catholic Church.  We look forward to journeying with you at this joyous time. 

Documents Required for Baptism:  Download forms online. 

Infant/Child Baptism Intake Form

Godparent 1 Affidavit Form

Godparent 2 Affidavit Form


Before we begin with the baptismal process, there are some things you should know:    

  1. We invite you to take an active part of our Parish family, so we ask that you are a registered parishioner.
  2. If you are not registered here, please see below:
  • If you live inside our parish boundaries, you can register today and become active to begin the process by filling out the parish Registration Form..
  • If you live outside of our parish boundaries, you can register, but we ask that you take at least 3 months to become an active part of our Parish family before proceeding with the Baptismal preparation. 

3.  So that we can best assist you, we ask that you attend formal Baptismal Prep class. 

See the details below:

      Baptismal preparation class is held every 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon in Classroom #4.

4.   Your child must be 6 years old or younger in order to receive an infant/child baptism.

We will require a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate.

5.  You have a responsibility of choosing a godparent(s).  A godparent is chosen not only as good witness to the faith,

      but also for his/her faithful commitment and ability to assist you and your child’s journey to living the Catholic way of life. 


Godparent Guidelines:

It is customary to have two godparents; however, only one is required for baptism. A godparent may either be male or female.  If two godparents are chosen, one must be male and one female. 

  • A godparent must be at least 16 years of age.
  • A Godparent may not be the natural or adoptive parent of the child being baptized.
  • Must have received the full Sacrament of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion) of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Must be an active, practicing Catholic in full communion with the Catholic Church and striving to live a life of harmony with the Church’s teachings.
  • If married, a godparent must be married in the Catholic Church. 
  • May be required to attend a formal baptismal prep class.
  • A baptized non-Catholic may be chosen as a Christian witness provided there is at least one Catholic godparent.
  • If a godparent is from another parish, a letter is required from the pastor of home parish permitting him/her to do so.    


For more information on please call Glenda Ceon at the parish office at (602) 996-5120.