Society of Maria SS Lauretana

MINISTRY NAME:  Society of Maria SS Lauretana

DESCRIPTION:  Marian Based Organization.   See websites below.

MISSION/VISION:  Veneration of the Blessed Virgin, under the Title of Maria SS Lauretana.  Promote the sentiments of fraternal brotherhood among the members.  Maintain the faith of the Roman Catholic Church and each year in September, the perpetual glory of our Protectress, Maria SS. Lauretana.  Encourage the imitation of Marian values such as surrender & obedience to God’s will and compassion for others.  


Feast Committee:

a. (Advertising, mailings, pulpit announcements, mass programs, vara transportation, Octave Rosary, Dinner money collection, table set up, cooking, cleaning, take down.

b. We need men every year to help carry the altar of our Lady.   If you know of any able-bodied men that are willing and can carry about 50lbs on the shoulder, please let us know! (4 hours once yearly)

Monthly Get-Together

 Money collection, table set up, cooking, cleaning, take down (every 2nd Saturday of the month, time between 3pm and 10pm)

St. Joseph Table Committee

Novena Organizing, advertising, bread making, money collection, table set up, cooking, cleaning, take down (10 days leading up to the closest Sunday to March 19th.

Membership Chairperson

Maintaining membership list, Good & Welfare correspondence, processing of new applicants, other related duties as assigned) (Average 1-2 hours per month> Commitment for 1 full year)

Flag Bearers

Average 1-2 hours per year plus carrying of the banners/flags last Sunday of September>Commitment for 1 year at a time.

Spiritual Director

Opening and closing prayers at each meeting, collaboration with other committees as it relates to Novenas, Octaves, Rosaries, Masses etc.)   (Average 1-2 hours per month plus presence at Novenas)

We need suggestions and help with community fellowship; anything we can do to promote our Blessed Mother, under the title of Maria SS Lauretana, by practicing the obedience to our Lord and the care she provided for others.

All officers of our society can also use some help in some way.    Example: Cooking, set up and clean up for monthly get-togethers.  Assist with producing newsletters.   Mailing the monthly newsletters.   

We need new faces and new ideas in our Society.    Most of all we need help in guaranteeing the future of our Society by somehow involving younger people in any way we can.  For example, do we sponsor a sports league?  How else can we help the community?

TRAINING:  Primarily done by working with one of our Board Members

TIME COMMITMENT:  See above opportunities

CONTACT INFO:  Apollonia Scianna 623-695-5254