This Sunday’s Gospel tells about Luke’s favorite themes, the proper use of the gifts God has given us. First, we read about a steward who was mismanaging his master’s property. When the master hears this, he tells him to make up his accounts, after which he will be dismissed. The steward ponders what he should do next. He doesn’t want to do any hard work, and he is too proud to beg. But then he figures out a way: he’ll deceive his master, while at the same time make friends for himself so that when he is dismissed, they will welcome him. The steward, having learned of his dismissal, calls those who owe the master a debt and cleverly reduces the amount. In this way, he cheats, thus adding to his first offense of being wasteful of his master’s property.

We notice that when Jesus tells the story, He praises neither the master nor the steward. This may be his of suggesting that the master was not so honest either. We are not sure, but it is possible that he overcharged the people who were in debt to him. Thus, when the steward cancelled part of what these people owed, the master was in a bind. He could not take legal action against the steward for, if he did, he himself would found guilty of overcharging the men. If such is the case, then the parable criticizes both the master and the steward. Both are described as “children of the world.”

What was Jesus trying to say by means of the parable? There are several points. First of all, He seems to be suggesting that people in society act with more fervor and zeal in dealing with their daily concerns that do believers, “the children of light.” If only we would for our salvation with the same enthusiasm! Jesus also seems to be telling us that we must see what we have as not belonging to us, but rather to God. We are ‘merely stewards’, entrusted with various gifts, which may be used for a good purpose. Sure enough, some day we will be called to account and asked how we have used these gifts. With this in mind, we must prepare ourselves for that day by working hard to grow spiritually rich in the eyes of God.

Key Concepts: Fund Raising. Generally speaking, indirect fund raising efforts are more effective are effective in raising smaller amount of money (often at little or no cost) that they are at raising substantial funds. Thus, if the goal is $500, an indirect fund raising activity (e.g. bale sale) might be the perfect method. If however, the goal is $2M (two million dollars), enormous amount of time, efforts and energy may be required to achieve this goal through indirect means.

This Sunday is celebrated as Catechetical Sunday and therefore we have pray for our active and voluntary catechists in the parish that the Holy Spirit may inspire, enlighten and strengthen them always in this new school year. During the week, we do the feast of St. Matthew and the memorial of Padre Pio. On the 22nd, the season of autumn begins. This is all for now, watch for the next bulletin.

Your Priest-Servant and Parochial Administrator,

Fr. Reggie